Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What Do I Have to Say?

     Hello and thank you for reading!  Each week, I will take five minutes to write something- some little message or piece of advice that hopefully someone somewhere will find useful and dare I say inspiring?  I welcome your questions and comments.  Let's have fun with this!  But first, I think I should say a little bit about what brought me to the point of creating this blog.
     I am fortunate to have some incredibly amazing people in my life and several months back, a friend of a friend approached me about being in a documentary about people who are inspiring.  As flattered as I was, I had to keep myself from laughing hysterically.  I wanted to shout between bursts side-splitting laughter, "I'm sorry, me?  You find me inspiring?! This is too much!  Is this some kind of joke?"  Once I got over the shock of finding out that someone could be inspired by me or my actions, there was this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach when I realized that I would have to appear on camera.  I can't really even verbalize the terror that this produces for me, a feeling far greater than stage fright.  I don't know if anyone can relate, but I was raised to do what was right, simply because it was the right thing to do, not for recognition.  And here someone, many someones in fact, would know me for my actions; I would not be able to blend into the woodwork as easily.  I had to say no.
     But then I thought about it some more.  What if I could use this opportunity, this "power" if you will for good?  What if I could tell my story, reveal a little of what I've experienced and lived through, and help someone, give someone some bit of strength?  That would obviously be worth it.  And so I had to say yes!  While the idea of being on camera still terrifies me, I know I need to do it.  I need to tell my story, to let others out there know that life is tough, but there is hope.  I want to encourage you not to give up, not to listen to the people who say that you won't make it, especially when the person telling you that you will not succeed is you!  You can make it through.  This blog will help me build the confidence to one day be in that documentary and to pursue publishing my children's books, and hopefully help at least one other person.  Happy reading!